The Parameter.
and Julia and the animated tennis.
In 2007, two shows continued on the path that “Verso la Struttura” (Sondrio, 2005) had started.
“Julia and the animated tennis”, chronilogically came first, when the Studio N!03 asked me to take part in the Ephes project: four different artists opening four different shows in four following days. Like the Ephemera (or “may fly”), the show had only one day to live, so it had to make the best out of it.
A full scale figure (similar to the fighters of the 2006 Duel series), poses theatrically with a tennis racket. Her shadow (a video we shot with the same model) is moving and playing tennis with the viewers standing on the street, in front of the gallery (or Microgallery), where the sound of the ball being hit and the grunting of the tennis player are bouncing from one side to other of the road.
The Parameter played a similar game in the Berlin exhibition, where you could walk through the scene and find yourself part of the three groups of figures, projecting your own shadow and altering the composition of the three 250x200 canvases.
The search for a dynamic and comunicative figurative language, theatrically involving the viewer, would in 2008 find a proper stage in the “Murder of Venus” investigative set up, with “L´assassinio di Venere e altri casi irrisolti”.